Chain Reaction app apk download

Chain Reaction

2.0 for Android

by: App Holdings

A game that you can play for hours

  • Size 7.5MB
  • Version 2.0
  • Package com.BuddyMattEnt.ChainReaction
  • Developer App Holdings
  • Requirment Android 5.0+
  • Category Arcade
  • Added 2023-11-25

Chain Reaction game description

Chain Reaction is an intense and fun arcade game. It is a compelling game for all the gamers out there.

It involves various skills like puzzle solving and complex thinking with strategy skills.It is a fun retro-styled game that can be played by anyone. It has an intriguing and an exciting gameplay. It has various cool features and is very easy to play.

Features of Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction is a strategic game that involves thinking.

The main aim of this game is to occupy maximum grids on board with its own orbs and destroy the orbs of the opponents.

It is a multiplayer game.

Maximum 8 players can play at a time and hence it is a total family entertainer.

Chain Reaction allows you to improve your puzzle solving, complex thinking and strategy skills.

Choose the number of players from the settings menu.

The best part of the game is that you can also play it in a single player mode.

Play against the CPU and test the artificial intelligence.

The players can choose the color of their orbs.

The players are required to place their orbs in the provided grids or cells in turns.

A grid explodes after it reaches its maximum capacity so make sure you make wise decisions.

Chain Reaction releases orbs into neighboring grids claiming them for the player.

The player who has the most number of orbs on the board, in the end, wins the game If you lose all your orbs you are out of the game so play wisely.

Players can place their orbs in cells that are empty or is already having the orbs of the same color.

It has two levels easy and hard that can get very challenging.

It allows you to play this game for endless hours.

It does not take much memory space and does not drain battery life.

It is a digital platform which can bring more thrill and more excitement.

It has simple controls and is suitable for everyone.

It can be played on all types of smartphones.