Google Find My Device app apk download

Google Find My Device

3.1.000-2 for Android

by: Google LLC

Manage And Track Your Phone With Android Device Manager App

  • Size 10.2MB
  • Version 3.1.000-2
  • Package
  • Developer Google LLC
  • Requirment Android 5.0+
  • Category Tools
  • Added 2024-03-18

Google Find My Device app description

Android Device Manager App is the safest version of an application that you can download for free from your mobile Appdodo. It is highly recommended that you have an android device manager app in your phone. It helps in tracking your phone in the online site. Lost your phone in some event? No issues you can easily track down the device lost or stolen. The device if installed in your phone by default gives its location on a website to track down. Track with the IEMI no. set in the Android Device Manager.

Your android Device Manager App won’t be able to track down your device if it’s not connected to the Google map application. So it is necessary that you keep the Maps live in your phone. The app provides the history of the places where the lost device had been to or where it was last tracked.

Features of Android Device Manager Application:

The Android Device Manager is an important application, that application that every android user should keep installed in their device. It can used for all Android devices, be it phone or watches. The below features makes it necessary to have the application in your SmartPhones-

The app is available in the Appdodo absolutely free of cost.

This app is made 100% free from virus attacks and is always safe to download from PlayStore.

The application connects with the Google maps to share the whereabouts of your device.

The app is operation on both SmartPhones, and Smart Watches. Lost your watch or phone at any place you can track down very easily with an Android Device manager application. Just ensure that you let the application settings turned on along with the GPS in your phone.

The application gives a sound of beeping when your device is nearby. So now you know it’s not only the online image of maps, but also the sound support which makes it even easier to track down the device.

The app allows you to secure the device by the system of locking.

The messaging system allows any other person to locate the device to connect with you in the preset alternate number.

In case of stolen device the Android Device Manager allows you to lock down your device to keep any internal information safe from mishandling.

How to make use of the Android Device Manager Application?

Using the Android Manager Application is very easy. Follow the below steps to make it operational and help you in need-

Download and install the app for Android and stay logged in top your application. Keep the application setting in the turned on mode and also connected to the Google Maps services.

In case of loss or stealth of any Android Device your Device Manager app will help in tracking down your device if all the settings are left on and if it can get a connection of network at that point of time.

Once the device is traced the screen will advice the options to Ring the device, Lock the Device or remotely wiping all data in the device.

The ringing feature allows calling in the phone for 5 continuous minutes for answering.

You can also lock down your device and secure data if it’s stolen.