Google Earth app apk download

Google Earth for Android

by: Google LLC

Gain a New Perspective of the Earth

  • Size 22.0MB
  • Version
  • Package
  • Developer Google LLC
  • Requirment Android 5.0+
  • Category Travel & Local
  • Added 2023-04-07

Google Earth app description

Google Earth contributes to being one of the best free satellite models of Earth. Google Earth is used for locating various landmarks across the globe. Google Earth confers a wide number of benefits, and you are capable of seeing anything anywhere from any place at any time. Google Earth stands out of the ordinary in viewing different popular landmarks in original space view or 3D.

Google Earth can be used at ease. It presents a wide variety of information that is applied to topics that are addressed in geoscience courses. It confers the capability of placing information in the combination of a three-dimensional model on earth. It aids in understanding the Earth System along with subject areas that compromise it, that ranges from natural sciences to history, social sciences, engineering, art, history, or any topic which possesses a geographical component. The information which can be displayed on his application is inclusive of different layers which are offered by the database of Google, a wide variety of third party data which is available to Google Earth Community along with other websites.

Features of Google Earth

Here are the basic features of the Google Earth Application:

Navigating the globe
Google Earth shows an image of a globe as you open a program at first. It is possible to explore the earth with the use of navigation controls or mouse. The simplest way of navigating the globe is using the mouse for grabbing the map and using the scroll wheel on the mouse for zooming in and out.

Searching for locations
Google Earth comes with the search bar in which it is possible to enter the name of the location and fly to that website.

Placemarks contribute to being crucial websites that have been selected by you. They are inclusive of a description, title, video, photos, and data which require being associated along with the placemark.

Layer is also known as overlays at times. Overlayers are organized under the layers which head in the left-hand menu in the structure of a folder. You should click the checkbox next to the folder for turning on the specific layer. In several cases, the information which is provided in the layers is recognized to be visual, for instance, types of terrain, the location of roads and buildings.

In several cases, information that is provided in the layers is in better detail. It is possible to access Videos, photographs, and numerical data via pop-ups which will be expanding from the placemarks. Placemarks are indicated by symbols like a star or drop pin.

Why you should use Google Earth?

With the Google Earth application, students are capable of browsing on their own in a casual manner. They also engage in structured inquiry-based explorations in teams or individually. As the app can be downloaded exclusively free of cost in most operating systems, students are capable of using them for homework, school, or fun. They are capable of creating data of their own and saving details in KMZ data files. This data can be proffered on maps in combination with different data which are made available to students.

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